2-Meter Repeater and Weekly Net Information

Repeater Information

Our 2-meter repeater operates under the callsign of W0BRC located in Boonville, MO, on the fequency of 147.360 MHz (+ offset), with an output PL tone of 127.3. In the event of major interference, an input PL tone of 127.3 may be enforced.

2-Meter Net Schedule

The club hosts a weekly 2-meter net on the W0BRC club repeater every Thursday evening at 7 PM. We welcome and encourage all amateur radio operators to participate.

Click here for the recommended net script

Net Control Schedule

Week Callsign Name
1 KE0JMH Roger
2 KC0ACR John
3 N0QOK Dwight
4 W0MQD Tony
5 KF0FGP Rob

Repeater Location